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Customer Testimonials

Overall, my experience with this online store was exceptional. The combination of an intuitive design, reliable service, and high-quality products has turned me into a loyal customer. I’ll definitely be back for more shopping!

Sana Javed

I recently made a purchase on this store, and I must say that the Cash on Delivery (COD) option made my shopping experience incredibly easy. No need to worry about entering credit card details or online transactions also When my order arrived, the delivery person collected the payment right at my doorstep. Plus, the quality of the product exceeded my expectations.

Inaya Hussain

I recently made a purchase from this online store, and I couldn’t be happier with my experience.

I was pleasantly surprised by how quickly my order arrived. The estimated delivery time was accurate, and the package was securely packed. Kudos to the efficient delivery team!

Jawad Ahmed

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ'S)

How to order?

Simply Click on product you want to purchase, then click on BUY NOW button and fill out simple form to get Cash on Delivery and click done. Your order will be processed, Happy Shopping :)

I received damage product, what to do now?

Don't Panic, immediately! Contact us on WhatsApp helpline within 24 hours: 03042539249

Depending on product and case, you will be offered exchange with 07 days of delivery.

Do you allow to open parcel before payment?

Yes our parcel is, Allowed to Open Before payment for customer satisfaction! Happy Shopping with TheWellMart :)

Do you offer any Exchange or Return Policy?

We offer 07 Days Return & Exchange Policy.

For the first time in Pakistan, Now you can file for Exchange & Return.

Note: we will access the condition of the item before process.